Monday, September 1, 2008

Hello faithful ones,

Well I know it has been a while since I have updated my blog, I am sorry. It has been a tight schedule here at the beginning of the school year, getting adjusted and all. But, I think you will be hearing from me more frequently. I have added a link to another website address I have set up, in order that yall may see what's going on in Lima Peru.

Tomorrow I will be leaving campus with about 20 other students to stay in an orphanage, which will be a future ministry of the Bible College here where I am at in Lima. The students and I will be taking our Joshua class out at the orphanage, as well as helping to get the place finished and ready for the kids to move in! The Bible College and Calvary Chapel Lima have paired up to make this happen, how awesome. When you look around yourself here, all you can help to see is fruit being ripened and prepared for our Lord Jesus Christ. If you listen closely, you can hear the fruit as it hits the ground, and that is when i hear little children, students, parents, and even the elderly laughing with smiles on their faces to big to wipe away.

Please pray for the students these next two weeks as they draw close to the Lord and seek His infinite wisdom!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord,Aaron. You are continously in my prayers!!